Nebra Sky Disc, anyone?
22 timmar sedan
A blog concerning late 14th century living history/reenactment focused on the dealings of the Swedish group Albrechts Bössor.
Lite texter gällande levande historia under det sena 1300-talet, med fokus på verksamheten i gruppen Albrechts Bössor.
4 kommentarer:
Do you have the book 'Die Gotischen Truhen der Lüneburger Heideklöster'? I found it very enlightening to read/browse. It contains a catalogue of some 100 late medieval / early modern chests and plans on how the different types among them were constructed.
That book sounds like a gold mine! Is it out of print, like all good books, or is it available for a small penny at Amazon?
I have also heard about it but no danish libary has it. So is it possible to bye?
I just googled the title and it came up for a reasonable price @
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